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Richard Steiner-Otoo


I am a firm believer that communication is crucial to any person, organization or company – no matter how impactful your work may be, it won’t have an impact if it isn’t conveyed clearly and to the right audience. This is why I work to find the best strategies to connect with people on a real level and relay critical information.


Previously, I worked at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), bridging the gap between earth science data, space research and the American people through public engagement. At NASA, I focused on fostering partnerships with underrepresented communities who historically haven’t had relationships with the agency. I am also a former White House Intern in the office of public engagement. I have also participated in academic research including the mobilization of trace elements in the groundwater of the Central Valley of California, microplastic content in local New Jersey streams and sea floor mapping off the coast of Hawaii.

I am an alumnus of Montclair State University, where I earned my degree in Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies, with a minor in Political Science. At Montclair, I was involved in different organizations and departments, including being the two-term president of the Student Government Association. I worked in many roles to create positive change and enhance student life. Recently, I have been using my previous experiences to continue to help organizations expand their external communications strategy and make valuable connections.

I am a proud central New Jersey native and can be found enjoying the shore in the summer or talking about how our bagels are better than New York’s. In my free time you may find me training for a marathon or enjoying a local trivia night.