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Olivia Medina


Writing and advocacy are two of my passions, which have been the focal point of my career thus far. Prior to joining Lot Sixteen, I worked for Exelon, a Fortune 100 energy company, and worked on campaigns to promote and protect clean energy.

After graduating from the University of Kentucky, where I studied Communications and Gender Women’s Studies, I moved to Washington, D.C. Here, I joined Woodberry Associates where I helped create and support a multitude of advocacy efforts and campaigns promoting patient-centered health care.

The daughter of two journalists, you could say writing is in my blood. Words are how we transfer thoughts, ideas and especially solutions. When there’s a lack of clarity in messaging and purpose, ideas get lost. Some of my favorite projects involved taking technical or obscure thoughts and making them easily understandable and actionable.

I love going to Nationals Park and rooting for the hometown team, unless of course they are playing this Chicago native’s beloved Cubs. On the weekends, you can find me at the movie theatre, checking out a new art gallery or exhibit, or thrifting for my new favorite piece.