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Ben Tegtmeyer


After three years in the benefits industry (and some pandemic-induced soul searching) I decided I needed a new career path. To facilitate that change I attended American University where I received a Master’s in Political Science. During graduate school I also interned at a government affairs firm that specialized in international trade policy. In my nearly two years in D.C. I have studied and conducted professional work on issues related to climate change, Latin America, and trade preference programs.

Before starting my career I attended Brown University where I studied Political Science and Economics. I also spent three years on the Varsity hockey team, so when I’m not at the office you can often find me watching a hockey game – usually cheering on the Minnesota Wild. I also enjoy watching movies, golfing, hiking, and trying my best to go to every bar and restaurant that someone has recommended to me.

A native of Minneapolis, MN, I have also lived in Portland, OR, Cincinnati, OH, Providence, RI, San Francisco, CA, and two Canadian provinces.