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Nick Offerman Encourages Vaccinations on Capitol Hill

Jun 29

What do you get when you cross a beloved television character, an earnest American small business owner and an important cause? A lot of good, it turns out!

Lot Sixteen has been working with Anti-Vax Watch to assist with messaging and outreach on Capitol Hill for several months as vaccination rates have been stymied, in part, by massive disinformation campaigns being waged by some of the most notorious anti-vax groups.

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing titled “A Shot at Normalcy: Building COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence” provided a great opportunity to expose and combat the vaccine disinformation super-spreaders that are responsible for a significant amount of vaccine hesitancy.

According to Anti-Vax Watch and the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), approximately 65 percent of all anti-vaccine content on major social media platforms originates from just 12 individuals or organizations. This statistic, and subsequent reports from Anti-Vax Watch and CCDH, have raised alarms in the halls of Congress. More leaders across the country are recognizing that the “Disinformation Dozen” are slowing our nation’s recovery from COVID-19 and increasing the threat from variants of the virus.

Suffice to say, not good.

Lot Sixteen and Anti-Vax Watch have been partnering on outreach to members of Congress and congressional committees to educate members on how a small group of disinformation super-spreaders is undermining the success of the COVID-19 vaccine. While doing this work, the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations reached out for help in finding a high-profile spokesperson to testify about the importance and safety of vaccinations, and hopefully change a few hearts and minds in the process.

Lot Sixteen Vice President Ryan Nickel had recently seen a tweet from the American actor Nick Offerman; Ryan proposed reaching out to Offerman (aka, Ron Swanson from the hit show Parks and Recreation). As luck would have it, contact was made with Offerman, who was very excited to help with such a worthy cause.

We helped prep Offerman and gave him a preview of what types of questions he might expect from the subcommittee. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t require much help. Offerman delivered testimony that was sincere, occasionally funny, and straight from the heart.

Offerman delivered his remarks by focusing on his personal vaccination story and by appealing to the greater good. Offerman also honed in on his Midwestern roots, referencing his own family - some of whom haven’t been vaccinated yet - and the unfortunate hurdles and strain that places on everyone. He noted that it necessitates having to “avoid the 'anti-vaxxers,' who we love, for the safety of the rest of the family.”

Working with Nick Offerman on this effort was an honor for everyone involved. We were all blown away by his preparedness, humility, and geniality. Offerman has a special aura about him, a kindness and common-sense wisdom that conveys flashbacks to a childhood role model.

Lot Sixteen is very proud to work with Anti-Vax Watch. Fighting back against vaccine lies is vital for public health. And if you haven’t received your shot yet, don’t wait. We’re all depending on you.

For more information about where to access a COVID-19 vaccination, visit https://www.vaccines.gov/

To watch Nick Offerman’s full remarks on Capitol Hill,
click here.

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Lot Sixteen

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