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Lot Sixteen Lends a Hand

Feb 10

Recently, the Lot Sixteen team banded together for a day of volunteer service in support of the Capital Area Food Bank (CAFB) right here in Washington, D.C.

We met on Friday, February 7 to assist the CAFB staff with preparing and packing boxes of canned goods and nonperishable foods to help combat food insecurity among DC families.

CAFB is a Feeding America organization, dedicated to solving the hunger problem here in the nation’s capital. Beyond the distribution of food to underserved individuals and families in Washington, CAFB also works to develop programs and partnerships that will help D.C. residents with employment, health, and housing concerns with the goal of providing a  pathway away from food insecurity. Of course, the majority of CAFB’s work is directly related to the distribution of food to those in need across the DMV area. The food bank manages to deliver 45 million meals per year, making a sizable dent in the hunger problem affecting our communities. Much of the center’s operations are fueled through recurring donations. CAFB makes the most of limited resources and is able to provide two meals for just $1.

Lot sixteen volunteers stand beside cases of canned goods.
Lot Sixteen volunteers take a quick time out from packing boxes

Before boxes of food go out to underserved members of the community, they need to be packed and organized. That’s where we came in. Working together as a team of volunteers, the Lot Sixteen team managed an assembly line for the afternoon, filling cardboard boxes full to the brim with cans of tuna, corn, peaches and chicken, as well as bags of pasta, cereal, and other nonperishable goods. We had to work quickly and efficiently, relying on our teammates to stay alert, attentive, and keep the process moving, as well as fall back into a support role should someone need a reprieve from their duties.

Over the course of the day, we managed to pack upwards of 900 boxes of food. These boxes will now be distributed directly to members of the community, as well as delivered by CAFB partners directly to community members in distress and those facing urgent hunger needs.

Overall, this volunteer event provided our team with a great opportunity to come together in support of a worthwhile cause. We gave some of our time and our physical labor to this endeavor, and we had a great time doing it. Heading into the weekend on Friday afternoon, it felt great to know that we had extended a hand to support underfed folks in D.C. Personally, this event served as a reminder of how fortunate I am to have food security and not be deprived of such a basic human need.

We appreciate the vital work of the CAFB and their fantastic team for helping facilitate our volunteer opportunity, and for their continued service to our D.C. community. If you would like to donate or learn more about volunteer opportunities at CAFB, visit the Capital Area Food Bank website

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Lot Sixteen

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