2021 Internships: That’s a Wrap!
Following a one-year hiatus from our internship program due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Lot Sixteen working remotely, we were fortunate to have three wonderful interns and fellows join our team for Summer 2021.
Our fellows, Isaac Yoo and Janet Hong, joined us for their first post-graduate summer.
Following her graduation from Johns Hopkins University in the Spring of 2020, Janet moved to the DC area to work for Lot Sixteen’s Government Relations team. Throughout the Summer, Janet was able to see life through the lens of a lobbyist, and tackled challenging tasks such as covering congressional hearings and creating a master list for press outreach. Janet will be staying in the DC area to begin her graduate studies at Johns Hopkins University, in the District.
Isaac Yoo, another Summer 2021 fellow, wanted to extend his stay in Washington, DC following his graduation from George Washington University. Isaac brought his International Relations background to our Government Relations team, assisting in a variety of tasks including cultivating meeting backgrounders for our lobbyists and enthusiastically tackling any and every project we’ve thrown his way. Following the end of his fellowship, Isaac received an offer of full-time employment with Lot Sixteen, and as of October 1st he has chosen to remain a part of the Lot Sixteen team. Congratulations Isaac!
Our sole undergraduate intern for the summer was Ellie Kiernan, now a senior at Georgetown University. Ellie took on a dynamic workload, was exposed to many different types of clients, and didn’t shy away from a single challenge all summer long. In fact, although she’s still in school, Lot Sixteen has asked her to extend her time working for the company; she’ll work for The Lot on an as-needed basis during the school year.
After all was said and done, it was a fantastic summer working with these incredible young professionals. Janet, Isaac, and Ellie brought great attitudes and meticulousness to their work with Lot Sixteen, and we couldn’t be happier to have had them on our team.

We asked our interns and fellows a few questions about their summer experience with Lot Sixteen.
Here’s what they had to say, in their own words.
What were you hoping to learn during your Lot Sixteen internship/fellowship? Did you learn it?
Janet: I was hoping to gain more exposure to policy areas that I was unfamiliar with, such as energy and infrastructure policy. I sure did get familiar with those policy areas at Lot Sixteen!
Ellie: In this internship I was hoping to learn what specific types of legislation impact our clients and why. I definitely achieved this after learning what each of our clients is responsible for, as well as through committee hearings and press briefings!
Isaac: During the summer with Lot Sixteen, I was very much interested in learning about the lobbying process and getting a stronger understanding about the legislative process. I believe in the time I’ve been here, I have gained more knowledge about this, and I am continually growing!
What is your favorite memory from your summer with Lot Sixteen?
Janet: I had a lot of fun at the Nats game with everyone! It was my first-ever baseball game so it was great to experience that with the team.
Ellie: My favorite memory was going to the Nationals Game with the rest of the team!
Isaac: My favorite memory was definitely when Lot Sixteen took Nats Park!
Your internship was designed to give you exposure to the Government Affairs/Government Relations space. Did you like what you learned, and are you interested in pursuing work in this field?
Janet: Yes! This is a field that I will consider career-wise. I am interested in seeing how my interest in foreign affairs can tie into the government relations space.
Ellie: I truly loved what I learned in my time at the Lot this summer, and I can confidently say I really enjoy the field of government affairs.
Isaac: Up to this time, I have really appreciated and have taken interest in policy work relating to the federal government, and this is something that I can see being my career path as I grow professionally.
Any parting words or thoughts?
Janet: Thank you to everyone for being kind, welcoming, and patient! This is a great community and I am grateful for everyone's guidance & understanding.
Ellie: I am so thankful for my time at the Lot this summer and for working with such an amazing team who is so helpful and friendly! I could not have asked for a better first experience for an internship.
Isaac: With Lot Sixteen, this is just the beginning!